A message for the Holidays from Rafik AdamHelp for business in 2020

Rafik adam message for 2020

2020 – a new decade and possibly a new start or change in direction for many of us. With the election over and a timeline for BREXIT defined we move forward into a new decade with one thing for certain – change is constant! The festive break gives us a chance to (hopefully) get some down time, spending time with family and friends, reflecting on the last year and decade and consider fresh hopes on the horizon for next year. More new business ideas are conceived at this time of year because we have more time to develop our “Side Hussle” into something more or dream big and launch an idea. 

So, whether you’ve recently started your business, or always wanted to become your own boss, get in touch, come along and see how we can help you realise your dreams!

Throughout my tenure at Enterprise4all I have been truly overwhelmed with the fascinating great businesses and business ideas that the creative people of Lancashire develop – there is an increasing positive ‘aurora’ around us as we move forward and positivity is key to change and help us towards achieving our ambitions. 

Small businesses are the heart of our communities and by supporting them to grow we are growing Lancashire. Not only is the North West Powerhouse is driving ahead and growing, it is doing it by an increasing number of small businesses. Read more

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The world really is your Oyster with access to international markets, alongside our domestic ones of course, and the rapid pace of change in business and technology mean international sales and business really is achievable for all. We are running a new series of workshops for young businesses and (potential) entrepreneurs throughout January looking at Digital Marketing for Growth, Turning Likes into Business using FaceBook, LinkedIn, as well as improving your existing (and learning new) Presentation and Sales skills. We aim to really equip your business toolkit to make the most of the opportunities ahead. 

We have a great, positive, enthusiastic and driven team here at Enterprise4all (as well as being a great bunch of people) and work with many great associates and partners who are also our friends. All working together to truly make a difference and improve lives! 

A warm and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of my colleagues and friends for being part of or journey and for doing what you do so well – together we achieve more! 

So, take a break over the festive period and reflect on the many challenges we have faced & overcome and take some time to reward yourself for helping our local Lancastrians and making a positive change for 2020!

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